Tuesday, July 15, 2008

It's the little things

I got a warm shower last night for the first time since I've been here! It was absolutely amazing and got me thinking about how much more you appreciate simple things when you are in a foreign country.

It's true. I'm easily amused, and I'll be the first to admit it. You may have noticed the photos of penguins in my photo album, and, no, I didn't visit an iceberg somewhere in China. They are just on billboards in the subway station (don't ask me why) and I LOVE penguins. So I took their picture and it made me happy.

Another simple thing that is so great here is when you actually are able to communicate with the locals. For example, ordering food at the dining halls here on campus is so difficult because the workers don't speak any English. The other day I pointed at a bowl of noodles and the food service people started laughing. I have absolutely no idea why. So then I pointed something else and said 'one' in Chinese then back to the noodles. More laughter. It was fabulous. I didn't know what to do and as you can imagine, kind of frustrating. Many other encounters at other places have gone more smoothly, which is nice.

My roommate and I love the Fuwa and also watching CCTV 5 which is the sports channel. And every once in a while, there is a little bit in English! It's amazing.

Val and I are off to shop now. We are going to the Noodle Loft for lunch, a place where apparently the entire dish is one long noodle. Yum!

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