Sunday, August 17, 2008

Crazy for triathlon

Soooo I tried to get tickets. And tried and tried. I did not succeed in this, obviously, since I am on my computer writing this.

But, on the bright side of things, I am watching the women's triathlon live right now on CCTV2. And it is awesome! Go USA!

I tried to buy tickets off of mean people on the street, I tried to find them online (they all had been sold already), and now I am seeing tons of empty seats in the stands at transition. This is what it's been like for almost all events in Beijing. People are sad because the seats are there, but the tickets aren't. I think if I were an athlete I'd be sad to see that.

I am rooting for all of the Americans, of course, but especially Julie Ertel. I watched her win the US Olympic Trials in Tuscaloosa, Ala. this spring. She is so nice and a great competitor. This is a photo of her with myself and some of the Purdue Triathlon Club members after she won her bid to the Olympics.

Go Julie Go! U-S-A, U-S-A!

Laura Bennett just finished fourth!! Amazing performance!


Anonymous said...

You would think it would make them look good to have the seats all filled up.Maybe you should suggest when the event is about to start they should let everyone in until the seats are full! (Hmm-then no one would buy tickets). Oh well-just a thought. BC

Megan said...

Hey Christina! I read the Journal Review online and saw the link to your blog! :) What an awesome experience! I Love the Pics! :)
P.S- We went to H.S together..not sure if you remember me!
Keep having fun.. Go USA!