Just a short update to let you know about my last full day in China...
We hit up the 798 Art District with our friends for one last little adventure. It's an
old factory district which has been reinhabited by artsy folks and their studios. It was a blast. Check out pictures; I was a little inspired and tried to be a little artsy myself.
Afterwards, it was dinner at Luga's in Sanlitun one last time. Believe it or not, Chris and Alysha have gone there for their signature burritos three times in the last 24 hours! I don't know if my stomach could handle it.
Tomorrow morning, Leroy and I will hop on the subway for our last (tears) ride to visit Mao at Tiananmen Square. It will be kind of creepy, seeing the preserved Chairman up close, but hey, when in Beijing... Then we'll grab our luggage and head to Beijing International to catch our flights back to the States.
Thanks to all of you who have kept up with my blog over these past weeks. I have thoroughly enjoyed it and hope you have, too! Please feel free to contact me at christinaharp010@gmail.com or through this blog if you'd like.
Xia xia, Christina
What a truly wonderful journey you have taken us on Christina...I will so miss reading your blogs each day...Your writing made me feel as though I was right along there with you...Have a safe trip home and I'm sure this was an adventure you will hold close to you the rest of your life. Thank you very much for sharing....
Hey Chris--I can imagine how emotional you must be right now-happy, exhausted, sad, exhausted, anxious, exhausted, etc., exhausted! Enjoy your trip home-(maybe you can get some sleeep!) I hope you did everything you had hoped to do! Thanks a bunch for letting us be involved in your adventure! Love you, Aunt Becky
Thank you for letting me go on your journey with you. I can't imagine how you feel right now. This is something that you will never forget! You are a courageous young women and I am so proud of you for all of your accomplishments and adventures that you have made in life thus far! Hope to see you some time soon!!!!
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